Svelte Checkbox - Flowbite

Get started with the checkbox component to allow the user to select one or more options in the form of a square box available in multiple sizes and colors

The checkbox component can be used to receive one or more selected options from the user in the form of a square box available in multiple styles, sizes, colors, and variants.

Setup #

  • Svelte
  import { Checkbox } from "flowbite-svelte";

Checkbox examples #

Use this default example of a checbkox element in a checked, unchecked and indeterminate state.

  • Svelte
<Checkbox>Default checkbox</Checkbox>
<Checkbox checked>Checked state</Checkbox>
<Checkbox indeterminate>Indeterminate state</Checkbox>

Disabled state #

This example can be used for the disabled state of the checkbox component by applying the disabled attribute to the input element.

  • Svelte
<Checkbox disabled>Disabled checkbox</Checkbox>
<Checkbox disabled checked>Disabled checked</Checkbox>
<Checkbox disabled indeterminate>Disabled indeterminate</Checkbox>

Alternative syntax #

If you need separate control over the label and the checkbox you can use the verbose syntax, but then you need to take care about aligning manually.

  • Svelte
  import { Checkbox, Table, TableHead, TableHeadCell, TableBody, TableBodyCell, Label, TableBodyRow } from "flowbite-svelte";

    <TableHeadCell>Left column</TableHeadCell>
    <TableHeadCell>Right column</TableHeadCell>
  <TableBody tableBodyClass="divide-y dark:divide-gray-700">
    <TableBodyRow class="divide-x rtl:divide-x-reverse dark:divide-gray-700">
      <TableBodyCell><Label for="checkbox1">Default checkbox</Label></TableBodyCell>
      <TableBodyCell><Label for="checkbox2">Disabled checkbox</Label></TableBodyCell>
    <TableBodyRow class="divide-x rtl:divide-x-reverse dark:divide-gray-700">
      <TableBodyCell><Checkbox id="checkbox1" checked /></TableBodyCell>
      <TableBodyCell><Checkbox id="checkbox2" disabled /></TableBodyCell>

<Label color="red" class="mt-4 flex items-center font-bold italic">
  Label on the other side <Checkbox class="ms-2" />

Checkbox with a link #

Use this example if you want to add an anchor link inside the label of the checkbox component.

  • Svelte
  I agree with the
  <a href="/" class="text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500 ms-1 hover:underline">terms and conditions</a>

Helper text #

Get started with this example if you want to add a secondary helper text for the checkbox component.

  • Svelte
  import { Checkbox, Helper } from "flowbite-svelte";

<Checkbox aria-describedby="helper-checkbox-text">Free shipping via Flowbite</Checkbox>
<Helper id="helper-checkbox-text" class="ps-6">For orders shipped from $25 in books or $29 in other categories</Helper>

Bordered #

Use this example of a checkbox inside a card element to enable a larger area of clicking activation.

  • Svelte
<div class="rounded-sm border border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700">
  <Checkbox class="w-full p-4">Default radio</Checkbox>
<div class="rounded-sm border border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700">
  <Checkbox checked class="w-full p-4">Checked state</Checkbox>

Checkbox list group #

Use this example to show a list of checkbox items grouped inside a card.

  • Svelte
<p class="mb-4 font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Technology</p>
<Listgroup class="w-48">
  <li><Checkbox class="p-3">svelte</Checkbox></li>
  <li><Checkbox class="p-3">Vue JS</Checkbox></li>
  <li><Checkbox class="p-3">React</Checkbox></li>
  <li><Checkbox class="p-3">Angular</Checkbox></li>

You can use the internal loop to render a list of CheckboxItems.

  • Svelte
  import { Checkbox, Listgroup } from "flowbite-svelte";
  let choices = [
    { value: "svelte", label: "svelte" },
    { value: "vue", label: "Vue JS" },
    { value: "react", label: "React", checked: true },
    { value: "angular", label: "Angular" }
  let group = $state([]);

<p class="my-2">Choices: {group.join(", ")}</p>
<Listgroup class="w-48">
  <Checkbox bind:group {choices} class="p-3" />

Horizontal list group #

Use this example to show a list of checkbox items inside a card horizontally.

  • Svelte
<p class="mb-4 font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Identification</p>
<ul class="w-full items-center divide-x divide-gray-200 rounded-lg border border-gray-200 sm:flex rtl:divide-x-reverse dark:divide-gray-600 dark:border-gray-600 dark:bg-gray-800">
  <li class="w-full"><Checkbox class="p-3">Svelte</Checkbox></li>
  <li class="w-full"><Checkbox class="p-3">Vue JS</Checkbox></li>
  <li class="w-full"><Checkbox class="p-3">React</Checkbox></li>
  <li class="w-full"><Checkbox class="p-3">Angular</Checkbox></li>

Checkbox dropdown #

Use this example to show a list of checkbox items inside a dropdown menu.

  • Svelte
  import { Dropdown, DropdownItem, DropdownGroup, Checkbox, Button, Search } from "flowbite-svelte";
  import { ChevronDownOutline, UserRemoveSolid } from "flowbite-svelte-icons";

<Button>Project users<ChevronDownOutline class="ms-2 h-6 w-6 text-white dark:text-white" /></Button>
  <div class="p-3">
    <Search size="md" />
  <DropdownGroup class="h-48 overflow-y-auto">
      <Checkbox>Robert Gouth</Checkbox>
      <Checkbox>Jese Leos</Checkbox>
      <Checkbox checked>Bonnie Green</Checkbox>
      <Checkbox>Jese Leos</Checkbox>
      <Checkbox>Robert Gouth</Checkbox>
      <Checkbox>Bonnie Green</Checkbox>
  <a href="/" class="-mb-1 flex items-center bg-gray-50 p-3 text-sm font-medium text-red-600 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:underline dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-red-500 dark:hover:bg-gray-600">
    <UserRemoveSolid class="me-1 h-5 w-5" />Delete user

Inline layout #

You can align the checkbox elements horizontally by using a wrapper tag and applying the flex class.

  • Svelte
<div class="flex gap-3">
  <Checkbox>Inline 1</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox>Inline 2</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox checked>Inline checked</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox disabled>Inline disabled</Checkbox>

You can use the property inline as the alternative.

  • Svelte
<Checkbox inline class="me-2">Inline 1</Checkbox>
<Checkbox inline class="me-2">Inline 2</Checkbox>
<Checkbox inline class="me-2" checked>Inline checked</Checkbox>
<Checkbox inline class="me-2" disabled>Inline disabled</Checkbox>

Colors #

  • Svelte
<div class="flex gap-4">
  <Checkbox checked color="red">Red</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox checked color="green">Green</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox checked color="purple">Purple</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox checked color="teal">Teal</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox checked color="yellow">Yellow</Checkbox>
  <Checkbox checked color="orange">Orange</Checkbox>
  <Label class="flex items-center">
    <Checkbox checked inline class="text-sky-400 focus:ring-pink-500" />
    Your custom color

CheckboxButton #

The special case component - CheckboxButton - is the Checkbox with the Button look and feel. I can be used as standalone element or be wrapped inside ButtonGroup.

This component accepts all props from the Button for styling and Checkbox for behaviour.

  • Svelte
  import { ButtonGroup, CheckboxButton } from "flowbite-svelte";
  import { AppleSolid, FacebookSolid, DiscordSolid, DropboxSolid } from "flowbite-svelte-icons";
  let group = $state([]);

  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Apple"><AppleSolid class="me-2 h-6 w-6" />Apple</CheckboxButton>
  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Facebook"><FacebookSolid class="me-2 h-6 w-6" />Facebook</CheckboxButton>
  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Discord"><DiscordSolid class="me-2 h-6 w-6" />Discord</CheckboxButton>
  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Dropbox"><DropboxSolid class="me-2 h-6 w-6" />Dropbox</CheckboxButton>

  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Apple"><AppleSolid class="h-6 w-6" />Apple</CheckboxButton>
  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Facebook"><FacebookSolid class="h-6 w-6" />Facebook</CheckboxButton>
  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Discord"><DiscordSolid class="h-6 w-6" />Discord</CheckboxButton>
  <CheckboxButton bind:group value="Dropbox"><DropboxSolid class="h-6 w-6" />Dropbox</CheckboxButton>

Advanced layout #

Use this example of an advanced layout of checkbox elements where the label parent element can be styled when the checkbox is checked.

  • Svelte
  import { Checkbox } from "flowbite-svelte";
  import React from "../../utils/icons/React.svelte";
  import Vue from "../../utils/icons/Vue.svelte";
  import Angular from "../../utils/icons/Angular.svelte";

<p class="mb-5 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Choose technology:</p>
<div class="grid w-full gap-6 md:grid-cols-3">
  <Checkbox custom>
    <div class="peer-checked:border-primary-600 w-full cursor-pointer rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-white p-5 font-normal text-gray-500 peer-checked:text-gray-600 hover:bg-gray-50 hover:text-gray-600 dark:border-gray-700 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-gray-400 dark:peer-checked:text-gray-300 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-300">
      <React />
      <div class="w-full text-lg font-semibold">React Js</div>
      <div class="w-full text-sm">A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.</div>
  <Checkbox custom>
    <div class="peer-checked:border-primary-600 w-full cursor-pointer rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-white p-5 font-normal text-gray-500 peer-checked:text-gray-600 hover:bg-gray-50 hover:text-gray-600 dark:border-gray-700 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-gray-400 dark:peer-checked:text-gray-300 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-300">
      <Vue />
      <div class="w-full text-lg font-semibold">Vue Js</div>
      <div class="w-full text-sm">Vue.js is an model–view front end JavaScript framework.</div>
  <Checkbox custom>
    <div class="peer-checked:border-primary-600 w-full cursor-pointer rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-white p-5 font-normal text-gray-500 peer-checked:text-gray-600 hover:bg-gray-50 hover:text-gray-600 dark:border-gray-700 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-gray-400 dark:peer-checked:text-gray-300 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-300">
      <Angular />
      <div class="w-full text-lg font-semibold">Angular</div>
      <div class="w-full text-sm">A TypeScript-based web application framework.</div>

Group variable #

  • Svelte
  import { Button, Checkbox } from "flowbite-svelte";
  let choices = [
    { value: "1", label: "One" },
    { value: "2", label: "Two" },
    { value: "3", label: "Three" }
  let group = ["2", "3"];

<div class="flex gap-2">
  <Checkbox name="flavours" {choices} bind:group />
<div class="my-2 w-44 rounded-lg border border-gray-200 p-2 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">Group: {group}</div>
<Button on:click={() => (group.length = 0)}>Clear</Button>

Component data #

The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.

Checkbox styling #

  • Use the class prop to overwrite the label and input tag class.

Helper styling #

  • Use the class prop to overwrite the p tag class.

References #